American Dreams Realty, LLC.

Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park Is Moving Right Along In Elliottsburg, Perry County

Spring Township, Elliottsburg – Things are ‘earth’ moving right along at the new community park.  Currently in phase one of the development process.  Construction is being done for a recreational field, which will be home field to the Tuscarora soccer club.

Also in the plans is the addition of walking trails.  The trails will extend to a mile-and-a-half long and will intersect with the existing cross-country trails at West Perry High School.

The park will also include two playgrounds for two different age groups.  A pickle ball and volleyball court will be added as well.

The bicentennial plaza has already been constructed and is at the entrance to the park, it contains 25 historical exhibits, which all tell the story of Perry County.  There are plans to construct a pavilion on site as well.

The Friends of Spring Township is a non-profit organization that also works to raise awareness and financial support to help with the expansion and maintenance of the park.  All of the monies have been received through grants.  This will be Spring Township’s first community park.