American Dreams Realty, LLC.

3 Major Tips for Successfully Staging Your Home

Home Staging

Preparing your house for sale is one of the most important things you can do prior to listing and showing it.  You have probably spent years making it reflect your design preferences and lifestyle, and you may even be “emotionally attached” to your furnishings, color choices, and arrangements.  However, when you decide to sell, you’ll need to adjust the “look and feel” of your interior so prospective buyers can visualize their own lifestyle within your home.

Here are three important “must-do’s” for staging your home:

First, CLEAN IT.  Dust, pet hair, footprints and scuff marks all leave a bad impression.  If a potential buyer looks in your bathtub and sees a hair clog or moldy caulking, it’s an instant turnoff.  If they feel “gross” in your home, they won’t want it to be theirs.  So it’s time to break out the glass cleaner.  Clean windows, baseboards, floors and countertops go a long way to helping your house make its best first impression.

Second, TIDY UP.  Make sure there is a place for everything, and everything is in its place.  “Clean” and “Tidy” are two different things.  Your house may be clean enough to eat off the floors, but if it’s “messy”, it can feel “dirty” to someone poking their head in for a quick look-see.  So keep it clean, but also keep it tidy.

And third, DECLUTTER.  Less is more when we’re talking about staging a home.  If your stuff is all over the place, it makes your home look small.  Your potential buyer won’t be able to envision their stuff because there’s too much of your stuff.   Rent a temporary storage unit or have a yard sale before listing your home, and clear out some junk.  Make room for your buyer to picture themselves living within your four walls.

If you do these three simple tasks, your house will likely sell faster and for more money than if you don’t.  

If the time is right for you to buy or sell, give us a call.  We’re ready to jump into action.   And if you would like to explore ways to proactively pay off your mortgage debt, potentially avoiding financial problems with your bank, we can help you evaluate your debt payoff picture at no cost or risk.  Call us TODAY!