American Dreams Realty, LLC.


National Homeownership Month in June shines a spotlight on supporting the American Dream of homeownership.  It’s also a time to recognize the organizations that help individuals and families to achieve their goals.

From the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Administration to the realtors, financial and housing counselors, and assistance programs, they all play a part in helping first-time homebuyers make their dream come true.

After an extreme low in 2016, homeownership has been making a gradual recovery.  Ownership trends are changing, though. With priorities changing, so do the types of homes people are seeking.

If you are considering purchasing a home for the first time and don’t know where to start, visit NewHomeSource for a guide and list of resources.

Consider your options and learn your market.  A good realtor will show you many options and resources, too.  Ask friends who have bought a home for recommendations.

In 1995, National Homeownership Week began as a strategy of President William Clinton’s administration to increase homeownership across the nation.  In 2002, President George W. Bush expanded the observance to the entire month of June.